Data Consumption
Talbeau Extensions

Next level Storytelling

Do you have a data driven story which you would like to communicate with your dashboard viewers? With reference to videos, pictures, and custom Tableau actions? Then ScrollyTelling is the go-to Extension for data-driven storytellers like you!

Let your data speak through beautiful dynamic, interactive, and flexible dashboards to your dashboard viewers. ScrollyTelling enables you to create stories with extensive amounts of text, motivations, and conclusions, with a rich layout in your dashboard. Especially change the way users interact with your dashboards and guide them through your data flow!

Value-added Functionalities in ScrollyTelling

Learn how to build your Data Story!

Without a doubt, you can now imagine a new way of data-driven stories in your dashboard where the story changes the look and feel of the dashboard as you progress. In addition to that, the custom Tableau actions shows you the appropriate Tableau vizzes and illustrations where you want them and when you want them to show up in your story in the same dashboard. Curious? Check out our ScrollyTelling Demo!

Let your dashboard stand out by filter/highlight animations, custom parameter actions, and a stunning story in your dashboard

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