
  • 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本

要确定 Tableau Server 部署的拓扑(节点数、Tableau Server 进程数),您需要考虑以下变量:您的环境、数据源以及提供自助服务数据访问的管理、工作负载和使用情况。但是,在首次部署 Tableau Server 时,您可能没有足够的有关这些变量的信息。本主题介绍三种基准体系结构,可用作 Tableau Server 安装的起点。


下面针对生产 Tableau Server 安装的硬件建议基于 Tableau 团队用于测试 Tableau Server 可伸缩性的硬件。我们建议您将这些建议用作生产部署的起点。对于概念证明 (PoC) 部署,我们建议您使用 Tableau Online。有关详细信息,请参阅安装的最低硬件要求







64 位 (x64)

不支持基于 ARM 的处理器。

8 个物理内核(16 个 vCPU),2.0 GHz 或更高

64 GB (8GB/物理内核)

500 千兆字节 - 1 兆字节

如果要将 Tableau Prep Conductor 添加到 Tableau Server 安装中,我们建议您添加第二个节点,并将其专用于运行 Tableau Server Prep Conductor。此节点应至少具有 4 个物理核心(8 个 vCPU)和 16 GB RAM。


节点必须满足或超过最低硬件建议,但以下情况除外,其中节点可以配置 4 个物理核心(8 个 vCPU):

  • 后台程序的专用节点。

  • Tableau Prep Conductor 的专用节点。

  • 将所有许可进程从初始节点移动到其他节点。

注意:对于使用虚拟机的部署,Tableau 建议使用专用的 CPU 关联。如果您在虚拟环境中运行 Tableau Server,请使用虚拟机主机的 vCPU 分配最佳实践,该方案与虚拟机主机上的物理 CPU 核心数相关。通常,2 个 vCPU = 1 个 Tableau Server 的物理内核。例如,对于 AWS 安装,4 核最低建议相当于 8 个 AWS vCPU。同样,请遵循虚拟基础架构提供商提供的最佳实践,以确保 Tableau Server 有权访问相应的计算、内存和数据资源。如果要在虚拟环境或基于云的部署中安装 Tableau Server,请参阅本主题后面的虚拟机和公有云部署部分。


有几个因素会影响磁盘空间要求,包括是否要将数据提取、流以及工作簿数量发布到 Tableau Server。有关详细信息,请参阅磁盘空间要求




我们建议使用单台计算机安装 Tableau Server,以便进行使用受限且不是任务关键型的初始部署。随着工作负载的增长,单服务器安装也可以扩展到多节点安装。


  • 如果您的系统被视为任务关键型系统,并且需要高度可用。高可用性是关于最大限度地减少系统停机时间。它是通过消除单点故障并具有可靠的故障转移机制来实现的。Tableau Server 至少需要三节点配置才能提供冗余并消除单点故障。这是迁移到多节点配置的主要原因之一。

  • 如果有很多活动用户和大量数据提取刷新,则这两种类型的负载可能会争用计算机上的相同资源。在这种情况下,单个服务器配置可能不是正确的选择,因为您可能需要其他专用节点来隔离不同的工作负载。

注意:活动用户表示对 Tableau Server 发出的交互式并发请求,包括使用笔记本电脑或移动设备上的仪表板、Web 制作以及连接到和查询已发布数据源。


  • Stand-alone single server node with all the processes installed on one machine.

  • By default Tableau Server installer configures the number of process instances based on the hardware on the machine. We recommend that you keep the default configuration as your starting point. Below are the number of processes for an 8 core machine.

    • VizQL Server: Set to 2 instances (default calculation: Number of physical cores divided by 4, up to a maximum of 4).

    • Backgrounder, Cache Server, and Data Server: Set to 2 instances.

    • All other processes, only one instance of the process is installed, regardless of hardware.

Note: One instance of Tableau Prep Conductor is automatically configured with Backgrounder, when you have the Data Management Product Key activated on your server. However, It is recommended that you have a dedicated node for Tableau Prep Conductor. If you plan to have flows on your Tableau Server, it is recommended that you use two or more nodes and dedicated one of these nodes to run only flows. The example configuration described above does not include Tableau Prep Conductor since it is a single node server.

Multi-Node Installations

Running Tableau Server on more than one machine is called a multi-node installation, or a cluster. There are various reasons why you might want to have a multi-node installation. For example, you may have heavy extract environments which can mean dedicating some hardware resources to Backgrounder process. For systems that have high availability requirements, you need a multi-node environment that has at least three nodes.

Two Node Installation - Specialized for extract heavy environments


Start with a two node configuration when the following conditions apply to you:

  • Extract heavy environment: Majority of your data sources are extracts. Having just a few, extremely large extracts could put your deployment in this category, as would having very many small extracts.

  • Frequent extract refreshes: Refreshing an extract is a CPU-intensive task. Deployments where extracts are frequently refreshed (for example, several times a day during business hours) are often helped by more emphasis on the background process, which handles refresh tasks.

Important: Two-node configurations do not meet the minimum requirements for high availability. If you need a system that is highly available, see High Availability Installations (HA).

Server Configuration

Topology diagram of a two node Tableau Server with isolated Backgrounder process on the second node

  • On the initial node, install all the processes except for the backgrounder. Below is the number of instances of the processes for an 8 core machine:

    • Index and Search Server : Index and Search Server memory can be configured to improve performance by using the TSM configuration option. For more information, see tsm configuration set Options.indexandsearchserver.vmopts

    • All other processes, only one instance of the process is installed, regardless of hardware. One instance of Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Application Server enabled, and one instance of Non-Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Backgrounder enabled.

    • VizQL Server: Set to 2 instances. (default calculation: Number of physical cores divided by 4, up to a maximum of 4).

    • Cache Server, and Data Server: Set to 2 instances. One instance of Ask Data is automatically configured on the node that has Data Server.

  • Isolate backgrounder on the additional node. To calculate the minimum number of backgrounder processes to run on this node, divide the computer’s total number of physical cores by 4. To calculate the maximum number, divide the computer's total physical cores by 2. In the example shown above, both the nodes are on machines with 8 physical cores. When you install the backgrounder, Tableau Server automatically installs one instance of the Data Engine.

Note: This configuration assumes that you do not have Tableau Prep Conductor enabled on your Tableau Server. If are using Tableau Prep Conductor to schedule and manage flows, and have an extract heavy environment, we recommend that you have at least 3 nodes and use the 3 node configuration described later in this topic.

As you monitor and gather data about the performance and usage, you can fine tune and configure the number of instances for these processes. For example, on the node where it is dedicated to running backgrounder, initially, you can set the number of backgrounders to minimum (total number of cores divided by four), and increase the number of backgrounder processes later if you find that:

  • Extract refreshes are taking a long time to complete

  • Subscriptions and alerts are not completing on time

For more information on performance tuning, see Performance Tuning topic.

Two Node Installation - Specialized for flow environments

Start with a two node configuration if you are planning to publish, schedule, and manage flows on your Tableau Server.

Important: Two-node configurations do not meet the minimum requirements for high availability. If you need a system that is highly available, see High Availability Installations (HA).

Server Configuration

Two node topology diagram of Tableau Server with dedicated Prep Conductor second node.

  • On the initial node, install all the processes. Below is the number of instances of the processes for an 8 core machine:

    • VizQL Server: Set to 2 instances. (default calculation: Number of physical cores divided by 4, up to a maximum of 4).

    • Cache Server, and Data Server: Set to 2 instances. One instance of Ask Data is automatically configured on the node that has Data Server.

    • Backgrounder: Minimum 2, maximum 4. The diagram above shows the maximum for an 8 core node. Tableau Prep Conductor is automatically configured one the node where you have backgrounder installed. On the initial node, set the Backgrounder node role to run all job types including flows using the tsm configuration. For more information, see tsm topology set-node-roletsm topology set-node-role

    • Index and Search Server: Index and Search Server memory can be configured to improve performance by using the TSM configuration option. For more information, see tsm configuration set Options.indexandsearchserver.vmopts

    • All other processes, only one instance of the process is installed, regardless of hardware. One instance of Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Application Server enabled, and one instance of Non-Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Backgrounder enabled.

  • Isolated the backgrounder on the additional node to run only flows. Use the tsm configuration to configure this setting. For more information, see tsm topology set-node-roletsm topology set-node-role

Note: If you have both a heavy extract environment, and schedule and manage flows on your server, we recommend that you use the 3 node configuration described below.

High Availability Installations (HA)


A highly available installation of Tableau Server is a distributed installation that is designed to maximize the availability of Tableau Server. High availability basically means that the system is available with minimal amount of downtime. To build in redundancy for HA related items such as repository, file redundancy, and failover, you need a minimum of three nodes. The tolerance for downtime will vary for each organization and depends on the SLAs you have established in your organization.

High availability is achieved by eliminating single points of failure and detecting failures and setting up a reliable failover system. HA in Tableau Server is mainly achieved by:

  • File redundancy with multiple File Store/Data Engine instances.

  • Active/Passive Repository across two nodes.

  • Index and Search Server across all the three nodes.

  • Adding an external load balancer to make sure your installation is robust to Gateway failures and make sure that requests only get routed to functioning Gateway processes.

Server Configuration

Three-node configuration:

Basic three node high availability topology for Tableau Server

  • To build in redundancy, you need to add additional nodes to host instances of the repository and File Store/Data Engine processes. You can add instances of other processes, including multiple instances of a process on a node.

  • To build redundancy for the type of backgrounder jobs, have one of the nodes (initial node in this example) run all type of jobs. Backgrounders run all types of jobs by default. On one of the additional nodes, set the backgrounder to run only flows, and the other additional node to run all jobs except for flows.

  • The successful functioning of Tableau Server depends on a properly functioning Coordination Service. For server installations of three or more nodes, we recommend that you add additional instances of the Coordination Service by deploying a new Coordination Service ensemble. This provides redundancy and improved availability in the event that one instance of the Coordination Service has problems. For more information, see Deploy a Coordination Service Ensemble .

  • Index and Search Server memory is added to all three nodes for redundancy and can be configured to improve performance by using the TSM configuration option. For more information, see indexandsearchserver.vmopts.indexandsearchserver.vmopts

  • To reduce the system’s vulnerability, you can run multiple gateways and additional instances of some of the server processes. The fewest number of computers required to achieve this configuration is three.

  • The repository has also been moved from the initial node to one of the additional nodes, and a second, passive instance has been added to the other new node.

  • One instance of Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Application Server enabled, and one instance of Non-Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Backgrounder enabled.

NOTE: In certain circumstances you may want to limit the processes running on your initial node. Reasons for doing this include wanting to run as few processes as possible on the node to limit processing requests on the node. You might also remove licensed Tableau Server processes from the node if you have a core-based license and do not want the initial node cores to count against your core use. For more information on Tableau Server licensed processes, see Tableau Server Processes from the node.

Virtual Machines and Public Cloud Deployments

In general, the considerations and recommendations described in this topic apply to virtual environment and cloud deployments.

If you are running Tableau Server in a virtual environment, use your VM host's best practices for vCPU allocation in relation to the number of physical CPU cores on the VM host. Typically 2 vCPUs = 1 physical core for Tableau Server. For example, for AWS installations, the 4 core minimum recommendation is equivalent of 8 AWS vCPUs.

For more information on cloud-based deployments, see:

Beyond Baseline Configurations

If you are planning a system whose configuration is beyond the limits documented here, contact Tableau Professional Services(Link opens in a new window).

Disaster Recovery Considerations

While HA configurations reduce downtime, you may still encounter failures in case of a disaster or hardware failures. In addition to the above considerations, you should evaluate the importance of disaster recovery in your organization and plan for a deployment that helps you meet your disaster recovery goals and objectives.

When planning for disaster recovery (DR) in your Tableau environment, there are two main factors to consider:

  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO), a measure of how much downtime your business can accept before a full recovery.

    • Influences how often you restore your backups to an alternative cluster and the amount of infrastructure investment.

  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO), a measure of how much data loss your business can tolerate.

    • Influences how often you will need to take backups of your system.

    • For Tableau Server the RPO cannot be shorter than the time it takes to complete a full backup of your server.

The diagram below illustrates how to plan for a range of RTO requirements:

Tableau 服务器可扩展性

随着需求的变化和增长,这些基准配置可能还不够,您可能需要扩展 Tableau Server,使其超出这些配置。与其他企业平台一样,Tableau Server 通过将处理器、内存和磁盘添加到现有节点进行纵向扩展,并通过向群集添加更多节点来横向扩展。但是,可伸缩性和性能在很大程度上取决于外部系统和用户活动。Tableau Server 的配置可能会有所不同,具体取决于您的要求和变量:

有关 Tableau Server 可扩展性以及影响可扩展性的变量的详细信息,请参阅 Tableau Server 可扩展性白皮书