Data Warehouse

Bring together the best data warehousing and data lakes into a single, simple platform to handle all your data, analytics, and AI use cases. It is built on an open and robust data foundation, capable of efficiently processing all types of data, and applies a universal security and governance approach across all your data and cloud platforms.

Data Management: Simplify your data extraction and management.

With automation and reliable ETL, open and secure data sharing, and lightning-fast performance, Delta Lake transforms your data lake into a unified collection of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

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Data Warehouse: Gain new insights from the most comprehensive data.

By accessing the latest and most complete data at any time, coupled with the powerful capabilities of Databricks SQL (which can provide up to 12 times the cost-effectiveness compared to traditional cloud data warehouses), data analysts and scientists can now quickly gain new insights.

Data Science and Machine Learning: Accelerate throughout the entire lifecycle.

Data Science and Machine Learning: Accelerate throughout the entire lifecycle.

Data Science and Machine Learning: Accelerate throughout the entire lifecycle.

With Databricks, you can establish a universal security and governance model for all data, analytics, and AI assets within a Lakehouse on any cloud. You can discover and share data across data platforms, clouds, or regions without the need for replication or lock-in, and distribute data products through an open marketplace.

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Customer Case

AT&T's operations were accelerated with the help of AI, resulting in a reduction of fraudulent activities by 70%?80%.

Databricks Lakehouse helps achieve data sovereignty and operational modernization on a global scale.